I spoke with Bill Amt of SV Saffanah and he sent me the below files to share with everyone. There is a spec sheet on Saffanah as well as a write up about getting her and shifter and engine refurbishment. Also a spreadsheet that he used to figure costs of owning, using and maintaining Saffanah.
Thank you very much Bill for sharing this with us.
Copy of Downeaster Provisioning.xlsx
shifter and engine refurbishment.pdf
Recently Bill has painted Saffanah and sent in some before and after pictures with a bit of description. Here it is. 🙂
I thought I would send a couple of before and after pictures of Saffanah as we progress through the retrofit we have been performing for the past two years.
In addition to all of the mechanical and sail handling changes we have made, we recently repainted Saffanah changing her color scheme from maroon and white to black, gold and white
I have sent several posts on the various changes we have made so I will not elaborate – just thought I would let the pictures do the talking about Saffanah’s new cloths.
One of the photos shows the dinghy hanging from the davits we installed to work with our Airies Windvane and which hopefully all can deduce which photos are before and which photos are the afters
Over the years Saffanah’s hull had been badly scratched and gouged from a argument with a mangrove island somewhere in the Keys. So the effort to fair the hull and remove some previous paint jobs took some time. Rather than roll and tip once the hull was patched and primed we hired a professional to apply the final coats of Awlgrip
Here is Pee Wee, the dinghy, hanging happily above Betty, the Aires Windvane.
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