
Original Factory Specifications All Boats

Original Factory Specifications

Mostly as published in Down East Yachts, Inc. promotional material.

Downeaster 32 Downeaster 38 Downeaster 41 Downeaster 45
Built Dec 1975 – 1981 ?
Estimate 134 built
Est. 236 built
1980 ?
Estimate 11 built
1977 – 1981 ?
Estimate 29 built
Displacement 17000 19,500 pounds 39,000 pounds
Draft 4′ – 9″ 4′ – 11″ 6′ – 4″
Beam 11′ – 0″ 11′ – 10″ 14′
Length Overall 41′ – 9″ (cutter & ketch)

43′ – 3″ (schooner)

50′-6′ (ketch w/bowsprit)

52′ (schooner w/bowsprit)

Length Waterline 25′ – 10″ 29′ 36′ – 8′
Length on Deck 32′ – 0″ 38′ – 0″ 45′ – 0″
Ballast 5500 pounds 8000 pounds 12,000 pounds
Fuel 70 gallons 90 gallons 282 gallons
Water 45 gallons, 95 optional 50 gallons, 100 optional 324 gallons
Range 730 mi. (nautical?) 1000 mi (nautical?)
Bridge Clearance 46′ feet ? 49 feet 61 feet

Missing some or not sure about specifications on 32 and 41. If you have them, please contact headquarters.

Propeller Data (Found in the Owners Manual of a Model 38)

Downeaster 32 Downeaster 38 Downeaster 41 Downeaster 45
Engine A-30 R-30 R-30 S-30 4-154 4-236
Shaft 1′ 1′ 1′ 1′ 1.25″ 1.25″
2 blade prop 15 x 10 RH 15 x 12 RH 16 x 12 RH 16 x 14 RH 22 x 16 LH 20 x 16 RH
3 blade prop 14 x 10 RH 14 x 14 RH 16 x 11 RH 16 x 13 RH 20 x 14 LH 20 x 14 RH
Parry Nut 3/4-10 RH 3/4-10 RH 3/4-10 RH 3/4-10 RH 1-8 RH 1-8 RH
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