Heaving to on a de32 General Forum Forums


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Heaving to on a de32
October 31, 2020 - 11:25 am
Member Since: September 27, 2017
Forum Posts: 143
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I’ve got a new set of sails from Mack. Can’t be more pleased with their coustomer service. I’ve neve hove to before but have read storm tactics and many books on the subject. I’m  going to get out and get some practice. Any pointers on heaving to with the de32? Just the main? Or main and back wind the jib? Ill get it figured out just wondering if there was any advice available.

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November 7, 2020 - 8:30 am
Member Since: February 13, 2016
Forum Posts: 70
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Have hove to a few times in storm conditions, but must admit that I prefer to run with the wind when there is sea room.  Although I have a DE38 I believe the general idea for the DE32 would be the same.  The way I look at it, you want to make the boat stay pointed into the wind as much as possible and not change direction;  keeping the ground speed as slow as possible(usually in a downwind direction);  and not having to tend the boat.   With my boat this was achieved using a reefed mainsail that is sheet-ed in but not real tight and adjusting the helm to keep the boat pointing as high as possible without coming about.  I found that raising the stay sail caused to much forward motion, and back winding this sail caused the boat to fall off and causes a jibe.  You will know when you have it right as the boat will quiet down and not go anywhere without you touching anything.  Stay safe.



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