De32 chain locker capacity? Any ideas how modify so it will hold chain!? General Forum Forums


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De32 chain locker capacity? Any ideas how modify so it will hold chain!?
July 2, 2019 - 3:48 pm
Member Since: September 27, 2017
Forum Posts: 143
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 Bowsprits going on today finally! Looking at the chain locker it looks pretty much useless for any any of chain..errrrrrr I hate a bad design. So I'm guessing I'm gonna have to add PVC pipe up to meet the chain locker and run it through the bulkhead into the be birth down into the locker under the bed birth. The modify the coushions and deal with it when I sleep.. unless I'm missing something? I'm going with 5/16 ht chain I'd like 150ft but 100 at minimum. So what have owners done with the lockers? Here's a pic .I guess I could put a gate behind the door so as the locker fills it won't push out onto the bed, but I'm not thinking much chain will go in there.

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August 8, 2019 - 12:54 pm
Member Since: June 3, 2014
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I did what you're assuming is the only answer: I put a 3" pvc pipe from the hawse hole under our manual Sea Tiger windlass through the useless chain locker and into the hold just below the forward part of the V berth. I spent a day with a heat gun and some clamps and forms to get the thing to twist and turn at just the right angles. It turns out that if the pipe doesn't pitch down enough in any section, the chain just won't slide down and bunches up on deck so someone has to go down, lift the cushions and yank the chain down.

I didn't want to have to do that so it took many tries to get the thing slanting down just right all the way from the windlass to the center of the new chain locker. As it is, I still need to pile the chain on deck and then feed it down by hand very quickly so it doesn't mound up under the outlet part of the tube. When it does that, the chain can't fall. It's a delicate balance but it works and it moves all that weight back a few feet which brought the bow up a little. 

I did have to go through the bulkhead at the apex of the V berth but only just barely so the cushions didn't even need to be modified.

Bending the tube (I used electrical grey tube) without kinking or flattening it was the hard part: I had to clamp it between a couple 2 x 4s to keep it round as I bent it and it took a good heat gun (not a hair drier) about 3 minutes each time I needed to heat it up to bend it.


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Scott Carle
August 8, 2019 - 1:24 pm
Member Since: October 10, 2009
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This is on our list of things to do. I plan on putting a new small hatch or port on the port side of the bowsprit for smaller rope/chain rode combinations to go into the upper chain locker.

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Scott Carle DE38 Cutter s/v Valkyr
August 23, 2019 - 5:38 pm
Member Since: September 27, 2017
Forum Posts: 143
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Snapped a spreader today. so the chain locker chute is on hold. May I pick your brain for a bit.? I'm really trying to get this chain to go in and out w/o pulling it from below as you described. I got the grey PVC and was able to slide it in the small gap between the bulkhead, hull, and vbirth coushions. So far I'm batting 1000. I have ran the PVC and I'm having issues as to how far back to run it. I don't have the chain yet so I'm working with a 12ft piece to test the pitch. which Im capeable of doing,I however I am wondering if i cut the pipe all the way aft, almost to the aft end of the locker? Or have it end at the top of the deepest part of the locker like one would assume? Also did you put a 90 or 45 with a reduced on the end of the chute to mitigate the hard angle? 

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Scott Carle
September 4, 2019 - 12:25 pm
Member Since: October 10, 2009
Forum Posts: 1480
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I would have it just forward of the middle part of that chain locker so that it would hopefully fall over/spread out evenly as it was fed in. It's going to hit and slide down when it first goes in but as if piles up your going to have a larger wider in all dimensions area for it to go into. That upper third area of the locker is where I would figure out where I want to the chain to feed into to make it not pile up as much as possible.

I haven't done this so take this as my mental musings. I'm sure there are a lot of blogs and write ups on this exact situation on different boats that you could find to see what has worked best for others.

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Scott Carle DE38 Cutter s/v Valkyr
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